Herzner Law Herzner Law
Man and woman looking worried and thinking hard

In 2021, 131 domestic abuse fatalities were reported in Ohio, a 20 percent increase in deaths over the previous year and a 62 percent increase over the past two years.

Domestic abuse can be any abuse committed by someone in the victim’s close domestic circle. This may include immediate family members, relatives, partners, ex-partners, or family friends. Domestic abuse can be physical, emotional, or financial.

If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, you’re not alone. While it might seem hard to imagine a life without your abuser, there is hope. Some ways you might be able to free yourself from a domestic abuse situation are:

  • Leave: Of course, this is always easier said than done, especially if you’ve been a victim of domestic violence for years. However, creating physical distance between yourself and your abuser will change your life for your safety and the security of those you love. Consider creating an escape plan to ensure your move is as quiet and swift as possible. You should not verbally disclose to your abuser that you plan to leave or post your intentions on social media.
  • Document Evidence: Documenting evidence is crucial, especially if you hope to file a police report. Therefore, you should document as many accounts of domestic abuse as possible. This can include photos and videos of any injuries suffered, aggressive or threatening written messages from your abuser, or records of verbal abuse.
  • Contact the Authorities: Once you safely exit the domestic abuse situation, it is in your best interest to contact your local Cincinnati law enforcement agency and local law enforcement. Law enforcement officers can help you avoid further domestic abuse and protect you, your children, and other victims from the abuser.
  • Go to Therapy: Domestic abuse can leave lasting marks on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Seeking professional mental health services can help heal emotional wounds and embrace permanent scars. It’s also a good idea to join a domestic abuse support group after experiencing domestic violence.
  • Seek Legal Representation: While you can apply for a restraining order against your abuser alone, domestic violence matters are better handled by a skilled Cincinnati domestic abuse lawyer. These orders aren’t automatic; in some cases, they are delayed, which can be risky when domestic abuse escalates. With dependable legal counsel, you can have peace of mind knowing a legal professional has your back.

The state of Ohio takes domestic abuse crimes seriously. Getting the assistance of a Cincinnati domestic violence lawyer can be one of the best things you will do for your domestic abuse case. Herzner Law has vast experience working with domestic violence cases and can help you navigate your case.

Contact us online or call us at (513) 924-4378 to discuss your case with Shane Herzner, our lead domestic violence attorney.

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